May is Asian-American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, so this month’s collection of antiracist/antioppression resources focuses on AAPI peoples.
May 2023: AAPI Heritage Month Readings
Diverse Cultures and Shared Experiences Shape Asian American Identities
A Pew Research Center report that focuses on the ethnic labels that AAPI people identify as.
Asian Americans least likely to feel they belong in U.S., study finds
An article that uses the results from the above Pew Research Center Survey.
“Asian Americans — especially young, Asian American women— are the least likely to feel they completely belong and are accepted in the U.S., an annual survey of attitudes about Asian Americans has found.”
Righting Wrongs
A recent white paper report produced by the group Stop AAPI Hate that examines the discrimination that Asian-American Pacific Islander people face.
Not Your Model Minority Trailer
Film trailer for the documentary, Not Your Model Minority, which focuses on the stereotype that Asian-Americans need little or no social/economic assistance. In reality, such a stereotype pits Asian-Americans against other marginalized people.
Celebrating Diversity: Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
A blog post from Queens College Libraries that provides background on AAPI Heritage Month including links to resources and books written by AAPI authors.