Recommended Antiracism/Antioppression Resources, January 2022, curated by Maura and Kel
This month we have two articles about notable figures who passed away recently: bell hooks and Sidney Poitier. We also share websites to imagine possible antiracist and antioppressive futures and consider everyday practices on the way to those futures. We hope you enjoy these resources, which give us the chance to look back and look forward in this first month of the new year.
In Conversation with bell hooks – Beatriz Acevedo
Beatriz Acevedo revisits an interview with bell hooks and her work Teaching to Transgress about education
Sidney Poitier: Nobody You Can Boss Around – Working-Class Perspectives
Reflecting on Poitier’s upbringing and career and the importance of both race and class in his life and work
Freedom Dreaming: A Call to Imagine
This website on the CUNY Academic Commons provides a space to envision a world without racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of oppression, building on the work of Historian Robin D. G. Kelley.
Black Girl in Maine
This blog is the work of Shay Stewart-Bouley, who works for a civil rights organization in Boston and lives in Maine. It features insightful writing on race by Stewart-Bouley (who is Black) and a group of both Black and White writers.