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Unless the title is Open Access, please access full text, if available, via the NYCCT Library ejournal portal. Links below go to the general journal homepage.
American Journal of Physics - American Association of Physics Education
Publication Date: 1933 -
ISSN 1943-2909 (12 issues p.a.) PEER REVIEWED
Publishes articles on the educational and cultural aspects of physics that are useful, interesting, and accessible to a diverse audience of physics students, educators, and researchers to broaden understandings of physics and to expand and enhance their pedagogical toolkits at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
International Journal of STEM education
Publication Date: 2013 -
eISSN 2196-7822 (frequency varies) PEER REVIEWED & OPEN ACCESS
multidisciplinary journal in subject-content education that focuses on the study of teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
Publication Date: 1963 -
ISSN 0022-4308 (10 issues p.a.) PEER REVIEWED
Publishes reports for science education researchers and practitioners working in the domain of science teaching and learning and science education policy. Accepts scholarly manuscripts such as investigations employing qualitative, ethnographic, historical, survey, philosophical, or case study research approaches; position papers; policy perspectives; critical reviews of the literature; research briefs; and comments and criticism.
Readership: Teacher training institutions • college-level educators and researchers • school administrators • curriculum specialists.
Journal of Science Education and Technology
Publication Date: 1992 -
eISSN 1573-1839 (4 issues p.a.) PEER REVIEWED
Articles advance science education at all levels. The journal publishes theory and practice in order to facilitate future efforts of individuals and groups involved in the field. Recognizing technology’s growing role in both the understanding and development of science and in the delivery of information, the journal includes technology as a component of science education.
Publication Date: 2000 -
ISSN 1557-5284 (2 issues p.a.) PEER REVIEWED & OPEN ACCESS
Promotes high-quality undergraduate education in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. Publishes peer reviewed articles which provide case studies and other innovations, are informed by educational research and are tested through assessment of impact on student learning. Includes results from educational research that inform teaching and learning in STEM and recent developments that impact STEM education in such areas as policy and industry needs. Published semi-annually.
Publication Date: 2005 -
ISSN 1554-9178 (2 issues p.a.) PEER REVIEWED & OPEN ACCESS
Peer-reviewed online journal sponsored by the American Physical Society (APS), the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) and the APS Forum on Education (APS FEd). Covers full range of experimental and theoretical research on the teaching and/or learning of physics. Distributed without charge and financed by publication charges to the authors or to the authors' institutions. Contains articles, replication studies, descriptions of the development and use of new assessment tools, and comparisons/critiques of research techniques and methodology.
Physics Education - Institute of Physics
Publication Date: 1966 -
ISSN 0031-9120 (6 issues p.a.) PEER REVIEWED
Papers relate to the teaching and learning of physics, the examining and assessment of physics, new approaches to the general presentation and application of physics in the classroom, and curriculum developments around the world
The Physics Teacher - American Association of Physics Teachers
Publication Date: 1963 -
ISSN 0031-921X (9 issues p.a.) PEER REVIEWED
Peer-reviewed materials to be used in the classrooms and instructional laboratories. Includes: innovative physics demonstrations; New ways of doing lab experiments; Ideas for presenting difficult concepts more clearly; Suggestions for implementing newer technology into teaching; Historical insights that can enrich the physics course