City Tech librarians suggest to use the following software for editing:
There are also a number of audio platforms that provide editing and podcast publishing (syndication):
Anchor is an all-in-one platform where you can create, distribute, and monetize your podcast from any device, for free or pay for premium features.
Buzzsprout is a platform use to create a podcast. Users can use the free service or subscribe for premium features.
Canva is an online graphic design program that can be used in a web browser. Podcasters can use templates to create graphics to promote their podcast.
Free music to download music for your podcast. The music is licensed under Creative Commons.
Podbean is an "all-in-one" podcast recording and distribution platform. Users can use the service for free as well as pay for more premium features.
SoundCloud is a social media sound streaming service which can be used as a portable podcast recorder app and uploader. The library's podcast, City Tech Stories is hosted on Soundcloud