This guide was originally created to support the library and other modules of New York City College of Technology's Mid-Career Faculty Publication Program series sponsored by the Faculty Commons and facilitated by Associate Provost Brown. The workshop series has been expanded and as of 2020-21, renamed to the Faculty Publication Support Workshop Series.
The workshops are as follows:
Oct. 5, 2020: Introduction to the literature review, library refresher. The top learning outcome is that participants will learn how the literature review is an ongoing process of reading and skimming resulting in awareness of target journals and publishers. Participants will also learn: how to quickly get a bird’s eye view of your topic; basics of using the library for the lit review; effectively use Google Scholar for the literature review; appreciate the benefits of citation managers; how to quickly assess a journal; and how to avoid predatory journals.
May 3, 2021: The in-depth literature review. Intensive, hands-on, we'll dig deep into research and also learn how to use some of the more powerful features of Google Scholar, e.g. Google Scholar profile, and how CUNY Academic Works fits in. This workshop is participant-driven. Participants are encouraged to use a notebook for reflection at the beginning of the workshop as well as after.