Search History is your friend! Once you run a few searches, you can use your search history to re-run previous searches, edit past searches, and combine past searches into a new search. Make sure your search history is visible by clicking the "Search History" triangle directly below the search boxes.
Using some of the same search terms again in a new search? Don't type them all back out! Type the Search ID# from the Search History into the search box instead to save some time.
Refine your search results by selecting other EBSCOhost databases to search. The University of Iowa subscribes to many EBSCOhost databases. Click on "Choose Databases" directly above the search boxes to see the list of available databases.
The list that will pop up is long (the snapshot below is only a fraction of the available databases). Check the box next to the databases you want, and then hit "OK." If you want more information about what a certain database contains, hover your mouse over the small square speech bubble that sits at the end of each database title.
EBSCO is the name of the company that provides several different databases that the City Tech Library subscribes to. Below are several different EBSCO database that you can use for your research.