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Database Profiles

Don't know which database to use for your research project? Use this guide to learn about the databases that the library provides access to.


CQ Researcher

Great for finding current events for topic papers!

  • Comprehensive analysis on issues in the news
  • Background information on general, popular topics
  • Multiple perspectives on controversial issues

CQ Researcher: In-depth reports on today's issues

CQ Researcher is the first place to go for the in-depth, balanced explorations of the most pressing issues in the news.

CQ Researcher provideaward winning in-depth coverage of the most important issues of the day. Our reports are written by experienced journalists, footnoted and professionally fact-checked.


Search Tips & Tricks

Search Tips and Tricks

After you have entered a search term and selected a report to read, this menu will appear along the left side of your screen (just like it's positioned here). It offers some great features to help you find exactly the kind of information you are looking for.

Full Report will give you just that - the full CQ Researcher article on your topic or issue. This is where clicking on a report from your search results list will take you by default.

Introduction and Overview will give you more basic information on the topic.

Outlook offers some ideas and predictions on the future of the issue.

Pro/Con gives you differing perspectives on the issue from real people who have a stake in the issue, such as business leaders, public figures, and politicians.

Chronology is just that - a timeline. This feature lays out events related to the issue in chronological order.

Maps/Graphs is the place to go if you are looking for charts and graphs about the issue. These charts will use recent statistical data.

The Next Step gives you more resources for further reading. As CQ Researcher is focused on journalism and news reporting, the resources are usually newspaper or magazine articles. That's great if you need those types of sources. If you need more traditional scholarly sources, try the Bibliography section. There are often books and reports or studies listed there.

If you need to speak with an expert on the topic, check out the Contacts feature. This section contains a list of organizations, offices, and people you can contact for more information on the issue at hand.

CQ Researcher Video Tutorial