Try the advanced search in Google (click “Settings” in the lower right corner) or other search engines to narrow your focus to more relevant sources. Search on a specific domain, for example, .gov for government websites or .edu for education websites.
Not sure whether you’ve found a credible, reliable source? Use the library’s RECAP guide to evaluate it for RELEVANCE, EXPERTISE, CURRENCY,ACCURACY, AND PURPOSE.
What's great about Google Scholar
What isn't great about Google Scholar
Citation trails are a way to use an influential article to find more current articles on the same topic. Although you can examine the citations in an article or book to look backwards for citations, the best way to use these for research is to do a forward-looking citation trail in Google Scholar.
Looking forward
When you search in Google Scholar, you can see who subsequently cited a specific article. This is a great way to find more relevant articles. Just look for the cited by link below the article.Typically, this links gives you the count of how many sources cited the article, e.g. Cited by 59