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Evaluating Social Media Information

This guide will provide tips on identifying disinformation on social media platforms.

Types of Mis/Disinformation Social Media Posts

Viral Posts

  • At times these posts that are spread very quickly.
  • So quickly they are not verified, spreading incorrect or misleading information.

Deep Fakes

  • Artificially enhanced (deep) digital representations (fake) that can be used to create a counterfeit version of a video, photograph, or audio clip.
  • Machine learning can take hours of audio and video and “learn” how to imitate a subject’s movements.

Social Media Bots

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to post misinformation.
  • Bots can appear as actual human users.
  • AI can also hijack legitimate accounts.
  • AI can create realistic faces of people who do not exist.
  • Bots can also be used to create false blogs and even write inaccurate blog posts.

Dark Patterns

What are dark patterns?

Usability and user interface methods to have users complete a task they had no intention on doing.

  • Have you ever clicked on a link to an article but it was really and advertisement?
  • Can you tell the difference between an ad and an article?

One example is an ad designed to mimic what an article may look like.

Dark pattern example of a link that poses as a news article but is actually an advertisement.

Dark pattern example of a link that poses as a news article but is actually an advertisement.