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ESOL & Applied Linguistics

What is a Database?

A database, used in the library to find information, is a searchable collection of published sources. On this page, we are looking at databases that contain articles published in journals, magazines, and newspapers. Some databases contain information about many different topics, such as Academic Search Complete, and others contain information about specific topics, such as PsycINFO (psychology) and Business Source Complete (business).

Here are some databases for beginning your research:

  • Academic Search Complete  Great place to start your research for almost any topic
  • Academic One File  Trouble focusing your topic? Try this as your starting point
  • CQ Researcher  A new current "hot" topic featured each week.
Use other databases

The Find Articles Guide provides a list of additional databases to search. The information found in these databases will be more focused on specific subjects.

Click to access the Find Articles. The page contains the following resources:

  • Starting Points - Multi-subject databases that contain information on many subjects. These databases can be the best places to start your research.
  • Newspapers - A selection of major newspapers and newspaper collections.
  • Subject Databases - Listed alphabetically by subject areas, these databases will include additional sources related to the specific subject. Search one of these if you are interested in articles with a specific focus.

