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Research paper

drawing of person at computer asking the following questions: What's a database?; What does peer-reviewed mean?; Where do I even start?; How do I cite something in ApA style?; I searched for articles on my topic and got nothing. What do I do now?

where to start peer-review database APA style search

When you begin research, it is natural to feel overwhelmed. Conducting research is exciting, but it can also be daunting and confusing as you encounter a dizzying flow of information from a range of sources, some scholarly and others "popular." It is important to tackle your research paper one step at a time. This guide will help you: 

  • Choose a topic 
  • Develop a research question 
  • Search databases for books and articles on your topic
  • Evaluate your sources for credibility and distinguish scholarly from popular sources 
  • Properly cite your sources & avoid plagiarism 


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